Bridging the Digital Divide

Through advocacy, capacity building, and research, we address local issues while aligning with global principles.

ISOC Nepal - Bridging the Digital Divide

Nepal is a naturally beautiful country enriched with diverse cultural heritage when it comes to connectivity and footprints in digital age we have our own oppourtunities and challenges. Digital transformation is nomore luxury but essential for both economic and societal prosperity. We at open internet nepal believe that ensuring equitable access to technology and digital ecosystem is critical for overall nation’s prosperity and must to ensure human rights in this digital age.

Current State of Digital Access in Nepal

Nepal has made a progressive development in terms of expanding the internet access in last decade. The reports in regards to the access to internet are not uniform because of the debate that if we could include mobile data as a quality internet access or not. But in reference to the latest data of Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) the fixed broadband connection has reached to 48.60 percentage of our population which is very promising similary it is also indicated that 95.1 percentage of our population are within access of mobile data which definitely signifies that a larger portion of our population is within digital access while the quality of internet access is still debateable. The geographical challenges of Nepal is always there and the urban rural disparities in access to Internet and digital litreacy are considerations to take on.

Challenges in Terms of Bridging Digital Divide in Nepal
Access: Infrastrcuture and Digital Backbone
One of the primary challenges is the development of infrastructure in remote areas. Nepal's rugged terrain and scattered settlements make it difficult and expensive to lay down the necessary fiber optic cables and establish reliable connections. While mobile networks have somewhat mitigated this issue, the quality and speed of mobile internet remain inconsistent.
Empowerment: Digital literacy and Safety
Another critical issue is the lack of digital literacy among large segments of the population. Many people, especially in rural areas, are not familiar with using digital devices or navigating the internet. This gap in digital skills limits their ability to benefit from online services and opportunities.
The cost of internet services and digital devices can be prohibitive for many Nepalis. While smartphone penetration is increasing, the cost of data plans and the lack of affordable devices still exclude many from the digital world.
Content and Language and other Barriers
Most online content is in English or Nepali, which can be a barrier for those who speak other local languages. Creating and promoting digital content in multiple languages is essential to ensure inclusivity. Furthermore, many platforms and devices are designed with the mainstream population in mind, often overlooking the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and other marginalized and vulnerable communities. Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort to develop technology and content that cater to the diverse needs of all users.

Bridging the digital divide in Nepal is a multifaceted challenge that requires coordinated efforts from the government, private sector, and civil society. Open Internet Nepal aspires to collaborate with government stakeholders in the proper utilization and implementation of universal service funds. In Nepal, the NTA (Nepal Telecommunications Authority) is utilizing the Rural Technology Development Fund (RTDF) to develop the Internet backbone through information highway projects, which aim to connect cities, community schools, and health posts. Similarly, we will collaborate with the broader global Internet Society Community to connect unconnected communities in Nepal and implement other unique programs aimed at bridging the digital divide.